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What can be done about ABB / Power One Aurora Riso Errors?

Have you just passed your ABB or Power One Aurora solar inverter and noticed a Riso Low fault and a red GFI light?

What is the meaning of the Riso Low Error?
According to the ABB / Power One Aurora operators manual, Riso Low indicates that the inverter has detected low insulation resistance on the DC side of your solar power system; this is typically not a problem with the inverter, but rather with the DC circuit connected to the inverter. This may be a problem with the wiring, the DC isolators, or the solar panels.

What to Do About an ABB / Power One Aurora Inverter Riso Low Fault
If your ABB or Power One Aurora inverter is displaying a Riso Low Fault, as described previously, it is most likely a DC side insulation resistance fault. This issue will require the assistance of a local solar power expert; if you are in or around Perth, please contact us here.